Saturday, July 16, 2016

How many Siddhas lived in our country?

As per Indian Vedic Science (Shastra), India is the origin of all religions; it is the country of God, Goddesses, Prophets and Incarnations.

Since, 10,000 years many number of Yogis', Munish', Prophets were born here and enlighten the path to their followers to create this country beautiful and enchanting.

Difference between Religion and Spirituality

Religion is a path to God. Spirituality is also a path to God. However they have differences in approach.

Religion means to be born again, to approach the Omnipresent Guru (Prophet) and bind oneself with him through initiation.

Spirituality is simplicity, sincerity, purity and humility. A simple life helps the seeker grow. A sincere life helps the seeker fly and dive.

What is the Purpose of religion?

Religion is not created by any God or any Prophet.

As we know, there are many prophets came to this earth; which we can say as Incarnation of God; have shown the true path or aim of our life. Prophets suggests and advice people for Shanti (peace), Karma(Work) and Dharma(Science); which are closest to our nature.

Is it necessary to take professional advice for practicing Yoga?

The Basic of Yoga begins from Patanjali Yoga Sutras. Maharshi Patanjali is the founder of Yoga to this modern world. Then their disciples like, Sri Sri Ravishankarji, Sri Sri Baba Ramdev and other who became a Guru later, learned their disciples to spread and teach Yoga to cure from different diseases and to be a healthy human being.

Does God exist?

I can proof that no one can proof that God exist or not exist. Because I believe that God created this universe, livings and non-livings. God is nowhere, He is within us, within everybody, it may be a rock or plant. God is nothing but the faith and believe which comes from our inner core/ inner self. 

Why new clock show time 10:10?

What are the six tastes of dishes?

The six types of taste in food are:
1. Sweet (honey, sugar etc.)
2. Pungent (spicy, chilli etc.)
3. Bitter (neem, bitter-gourd etc.)
4. Salty (salt, sea foods etc.)
5. Sour (citrus fruits as lemon, tamarind, vinegar etc.)
6. Astringent (Acerbic/harsh such as Bibhitaki and Haritaki; contents of Triphala)

How to invite a good sleep while on bed, when you don’t get it?

I find it very hard to embrace sleep as soon as I get into bed. It takes a lot of time for me to really forget myself and get into sound sleep. Once I get it I am Ok for another 4 hours. But the initiation of sleep is a problem. Is there any method by which you can get into sleep immediately on lying down and closing your eyes? Please suggest me some solutions, but not any tablets. Is there any pre-bed preparation to get into sound sleep immediately without wasting any time in rolling in beds? 

What is the correct definition for God, Religion and Spirituality?

Nowadays there is a great disturbance in the name of God, Religion and Spirituality without knowing the correct meaning of these terms. As our elders say, we can attain God with the help of spirituality and spirituality starts when the Religion ends. Now it is very much necessary to know the correct meaning of above terms to get attainment of God. 

How to Avoid Negative Thoughts in Mind?

Negative thoughts one of major and regular problem among majority of people. A negative thought won’t allow an individual to move forward in the work and life, spoils the life. It is hard to control negative thoughts as it is related to the mind and it needs some permanent solution instead of temporary measures. Hence, needed some experts answer for avoiding the arising of negative thoughts in mind.